“Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.” ~ Helen Keller

Usually, no matter how much I change, exacerbations always seem to remember my name. But not at this moment. Today I am happy, happy, happy. I’m so ecstatic! Woke up with no aches. No pains. No doctor appointments. No hospital stays.

One of those rare times when I’m able to do whatever I want. Unbound. Fatigue free. Problems free. Just being young and silly. Lost in my dreams of a bright future. Feeling so beautiful. Inhibiting my diagnosis by believing the unbelievable. Opening my heart and thinking positive thoughts. So excited I close my eyes and speak wishes into the air. Hoping to get a glimpse of God. Pondering about the pleasant times from this past week. Counting my blessings. Delighted my symptoms seem to be waning. Glad my meds are starting to work.

Seeing the morning light through my window brings more joyful thoughts. I call my mom and her voice is overflowing with tenderness. It brings a smile to my face. My husband cooks me some eggs. They are scrambled hard. I like my eggs soft. But I’m grateful someone loves me enough to prepare breakfast for me.

This frame of mind causes me to see the jelly is spread perfectly on my toast. Makes my orange juice taste a little sweeter. Forces me to notice my coffee has just the right amount of cream.

I must take advantage of this unusual occasion, so I head outside to catch the shining sun and absorb its warm rays. Across the street there is a park. I look around and see happiness everywhere. Kids laughing and enjoying the monkey bars and swings. People playing fetch with their dogs. Couples walking in an open field holding hands. Individuals sitting on the ground reading books from the free library while eating snow balls under a shade tree.

A very fit looking lady is jogging in my direction. She stopped, approached me and asked if I knew the time. It’s like she didn’t see my wheelchair. She didn’t question if I needed help because I was alone. She just wanted to know the time.

I said, “It’s 11am and I’m so grateful to be alive.”

She replied “Wow! That’s a great response.”

Then she smiled and jogged away.

When I’m in pain I see my life through a side-view mirror. Difficulties are larger than they appear. Past troubles take center stage. But when I concentrate on the here and now, I always discover joy.