“Persistence and resilience only come from having been given the chance to work though difficult problems.” – Gever Tulley
I recently received a suprapubic catheter. The surgery was completed with no problems or complications. The main reason I had surgery was I no longer held complete control over my bladder function and the catheter will help me regain that control.
It was an outpatient procedure that lasted an hour and a half. My urologist and his team made me feel so comfortable during the preoperative instructions and evaluation that I urged my mother to stay home. My husband was there and that was enough support.
Despite my comfort level with my doctors and the surgery, I still had the normal pre-surgical jitters.
So to ease my doubts, I persistently played in my head the reasons why I was getting the procedure done. I remembered the sleepless nights. We were waking up every three hours to use the restroom. I vividly recalled the times I returned home from a night out wearing wet soggy Depends. I called to mind dozens of ruined outings due to a weak bladder and the endless anxiety about the “restroom situation” every place I went.
I used all of these memories as my motivation to continue with the surgery.
Now the big question is…
So, was it worth it?
The answer is…
An overwhelming YES! I would do it again tomorrow.
It’s been less than a week but so far so good. And as we all know, there is a learning curve with everything. So as I learn, I will let you know. But for now it seems to have worked out.
It was a success.
Thanks fo saying positive things about supra I have foley and had it for 8 months I hate it infections all the time and it leaks alot! I’m affraid to go under general but sounds like you did fine. Thanks again
I´m sure the life will be different and so much easier for you. I´m happy for you. Love from Helen
Yay! Glad it went well, Nicole. Sounds like this will allow you to enjoy things more!
Thank-you for sharing this milestone with us.
Congratulations on the procedure Nicole! I hope that this catheter liberates you in many ways
Nicole, Glad everything went well
Hey Nicolle,
I’m glad the procedure went well and has helped you feel better. Keep fighting the fight, and never give up, you are a true warrior!
Your friend,
I am about to get a bladder neuro stimulator implant,but I am not sure the results will be as great as yours! How does yours work ? I was still getting up at night during my trial 3 days with an external stimulator.
Sara, I never heard of that. Good for you!
So glad you proceeded and it was success! I am a year into my DX and it is awesome each week to share in your experiences!! You are such a trooper!!!
Hi Nicole so very happy for you ! Thanks for sharing with us. Was not familiar with this procedure until you told us about it. Again thank you, please keep us informed on your progress. You are truly an inspiration.
Bravo! Good for you!
Yeah, my urologist told me, when he was talking “intermittent catheter,” very gently, “Everyone with MS eventually goes down this road.”
But who’d think we’d get so much good out of, basically, a straw! Thank God for little things, eh?
I am so proud of you! Thank you for sharing your journey with us. You give me courage to face whatever may come my ms way.
So proud for you Nicole! Take care
Congratulations Nicole,
Thanks for sharing your experience. Happy that it was a good experience for you!
Congrats on the success of your procedure. I also take the oxybutnin and even with that it is trying at times.
This surgery is a answer that you needed! I am happy for you ! I am still trying to accept that I have MS .
I am glad all went well. I hope this will bring you the new freedom you are looking for.
Blessings to you, Nicole. I am so glad the procedure was a success. I hope everything works out well for you. Please keep us informed.
Take good care of yourself.
I’m really happy this has worked out so well for you!
Sounds terrific to me. I get up several times at night, but still take oxybutinin pills. But I foresee this same surgery in my future.
Congrats Nicole!