I shot a video of life viewed from a wheelchair. I find that failing to interact with other adults eye to eye is leaving a blow to my psyche. My mental therapist suggested I haven’t accepted MS. Is it just simple denial on my part? Maybe that’s it. I don’t know.
What I know for sure, (“Oprahism”) is that we’ve been here before. We’ve done this already. Okay, not the video thing, but the “entire accept, adapt, and move forward” definitely. I read online that acceptance is fleeting. My, is that my truth!! Because some days I just want to scream the ENTIRE day. Then, other days I’m okay.
Later, I’ll go to physical therapy (I go 4 times a week). There are all kinds of people there with a gamut of neurological pathologies; including strokes, MS, and spinal cord injuries. It’s a pot of all ages and races at different stages of our rehabilitation journeys.
“Why did he even leave me here?” a fellow patient moaned. I recognized the pain. I could feel it. I know when you go to that place not many words are comforting. So, I said little and I simply begin crying right along side her. That was all I could do.
I enjoy going to therapy. I have to admit even as a nurse I didn’t strongly appreciate the impact of physical therapy on multiple sclerosis. A therapist once reminded me that MS is a disease of initiation. The message sent from your brain to move a limb or muscle doesn’t get there because of road blocks (lesions). Physical therapy helps me accommodate these road blocks by possibly forging new routes. Okay, that’s enough medical talk. I know most of my fellow MSers already know this, so that was for friends and family! Besides that’s the most commonly accepted theory, but docs don’t know for sure!
I leave there feeling grateful to be who I am, like I am, because things can truly be worse… MAYBE. I have to live with this huge maybe. I’ve said before, it’s my cross to bear.
I count on the fact that I am here like this for a reason. It’s up to me to make the best of it and share whatever I have to give. This somehow consoles me. I have a responsibility to share my story, to share my gifts. In a way it gives me purpose. I wonder if that’s what I’ve been desperately looking for, purpose?
I bet it’s cheaper than getting hand controls for disabled drivers installed in our truck!
Hi Nicole,
I have been reading your blog quite a bit today. I am recovering from a severe relapse that started in May. I think it is under control now, but we never really know for sure. You are a fine writer and are sharing so much of what I feel on a day to day basis. Thank you. I will continue to read.
Jeanne,Thanks for reading today. New posts our released on Tuesdays. You Can Also Get Them Sent Directly to Your Inbox. For Me sharing eases everything.
Don’t stop writing…both for yourself as well as others. You have a gift in telling a story that so very much needs to be told. I know you miss driving…maybe only in empty parking lots with Tommy. Miss you in Mid-Atlantic, MD.
Much Love!
Thanks a lot my sister! Thanks alot.
Hand controls! yeah! a bit of freedom regained.
I have found getting out and going to the adaptive PE classes fun. A lot of work sometimes but exercise sure helps and getting out and socializing is a big part of it also.
You hit on it – it is the maybe’s that get to me a lot. The what if’s . … if I dwell to much a long those lines I find it depressing. Dealing, adapting, augh!
Umm finding purpose – not sure I have found mine. Life’s ride flows on and I go with the flow? Not sure. Years ago someone said the they believed to be happy we needed:
something to to live for, something to die for, and something to look forward for
I know it was presented in better form but I can not remember it exactly.
I was going somewhere here but lost my train choo choo of thought. …. LOL
Well, according to your lay out, I’m well on my way to happiness! And adapting..I’m doing so reluctantly! Acceptance? My therapist just told me one can accept something and not like it!
On those days when you feel like screaming, let me know and I’ll join in with you. I think you should only take 5 minutes of screaming time, but then go on with your day. I think I understand about the impact of eye-to-eye interaction, but understand that I’ll always look up to you and admire your drive and courage.
I love you!!!!!
Tremendous write Nicole
Thanks Fiddleman…my good friend from the “hub.”
Yes, please continue to share your story. It will help you and others! You know how I feel about you driving!! LOL
Kisha, your like having my own cheering section!