It’s amazing how life unfolds. Look away and it can become
something you never would have imagined.
My nephew is 8. I have been preoccupied with him knowing I wasn’t
always in a wheelchair. Stupid. I know. Anyway, what if I was?
I feel bad when I can’t keep up. I just realized he could care less! He knows me for who I am now. I guess that’s the important thing. My physical background doesn’t matter. It’s not a factor.
In an instant I feel silly. He shows me that it doesn’t matter. I’m spending the weekend with my parents. He happens to be visiting for the summer. Lucky me!
He came and woke me up this morning. Cute. It must be love. We had an extensive conversation about Batman and Robin. We watched Karate Kid. The same movie I use to watch with his mom. Back then we had to have seen it at least 1,000 times! I’m surprised the tape still works. I’m surprised my parents still own a VCR.
No. Wait. No I’m not!
Ralph Macchio? Dancing with the Stars? No worries. I voted for you!
Back to the movie, as soon as the credits began to roll my nephew said, “Tee, you want to watch it again?”
I’ve watched Karate Kid 1,002 times.
P.S. My nephew says Robin is better because he’s a teenager.
Wax on, wax off! It is still a great movie (maybe six times, not 1002). I love the way kids can accept what ‘is’ – what a pity we have to grow up and lose that innocence, curiosity, imagination and acceptance. Oh hang it, the innocence might have gone but I’m going see if I can reel the others back in! Thanks for sharing that moment, Nicole. And this is a terrific blog!
I have had that need to make others understand who I was before but recognizing we are who we are and some love us no matter what is the best.
That is one of my favorite movies too.
It is taking me a minute to get there. At least I’m headed in the right direction now!
Thanks for dropping by.
My son is 2 1/2 and I worry so much that as he gets older I won’t be able to keep up with him. I already get so worn out sometimes! I often forget that it doesn’t matter to him, and that even if I can’t someday race him around the yard, he will still know his mommy loves him…just like your nephew.
Amanda, I know where you are. It’s hard not to worry about that. The fear of the unknown can be paralyzing. But you keep moving as long as you can!
i love karate kid…. such a good movie…. i think what i love the most is the guru… when i took tai chi and kenpo karate, the master’s were incredible…such serene and compassionate people… truly amazing folks…. i was lucky
enjoy your visit at your folks! and that nephew sounds pretty darn special
Sherri, thanks…back home now, but I can’t wait to see him again real soon!