It’s challenging when situations arise and the best thing you can do is…do nothing at all.
We are in the middle of moving from our apartment to the condo we just bought. Things actually, went fairly smooth. My husband did most of the packing and we hired a moving company to transport our furniture and possessions. In the midst of all the hustle and bustle I felt overwhelmed by the amount of stuff we had. Then my husband reminded me that we basically have the same amount of stuff now as we had three years ago when we moved in our apartment. We live humbly.
Slowly, I realized what the real problem was. The last time we moved I could physically help out and now, riddled with multiple sclerosis, I cannot. Three years ago, I could actually pack boxes and lift a few things and function independently in general.
I begin feeling like a useless shell of my former self. My husband saw my impending mental collapse and gently pushed me toward the things he knew I could handle. I changed our mailing address online. I took care of the electricity and cable needs with a few phone calls. I coordinated with a contractor to help us modify a bathroom. I met with the condo manager to ensure the condo association was on board. These things made me feel relatively useful and temporarily fulfilled.
My feeling of accomplishment was temporary because by the time we were in the new place among piles of boxes and scattered furniture I became a prisoner in my own home. I couldn’t safely hobble about nor use the scooter. I was a walking, no pun intended, fall risk. This frustrated the hell out of me!
Again, I fell forward… right into my computer. Not literally, although that very well could have been the case. I mean I found something I could do. Talk to you guys! So I sat back chatted on Facebook and Twitter and let my husband take control of the moving process.
Later I began feeling silly for basically just feeling sorry for myself.
I realized that I have better things to do.
just found this site. Thankyou, now Im not alone. Diagnosed in 2000 RR.
Becky, Well, welcome aboard! It helps to feel part of a community. I’m so excited you reached out. By the way, I release new posts on Tuesdays, but there’s alot to see if you just take a few minutes and browse around if you already haven’t. In addition you can contact me personally through the website in contact me.
Lots of ways to stay in touch!
Nicole I hope by now you are settled in, your husband does so well to know how you are being affected and then be able to suggest some positive ideas for you! Hope you have a Happy New Year
Belinda, I guess it’s going to be a while before we’re really settled in, but we’re getting there! Happy Holidays! Yes hubby is good that way.
I hear everything you said…three years ago my husband had a business failure and we had to sell our house in a short sale. This was our beautiful home that I decorated just how I wanted it including making 18+ foot drapes in the great room. It was so hard to leave but to be honest, it was getting too much to handle. We had a large home to pack and I could still help a little with my husband doing the lions share of the work. It was a very difficult move to say the least. My disease had gone into the secondary progressive stage almost 10 years ago…I have had MS for 30+ years. I could not help but feel the frustration you describe. How long have you had MS? Over the years, I have always focused on what I could do… not what I couldn’t. The episodes seemed to pass and seemed less intrusive by doing this. It did allow me to work about 20 years with the disease. I have always respected my limitations such as being debilitated by heat or getting too tired and not backing off. Does heat bother you? This last year I joined an MS study with Dr. Raymond Damadian and Dr. Scott Rosa and am very pleased that I have gotten my eyesight back (+ a few other abilities) allowing me to drive again. I guess I am the eternal optimist, but I am very hopeful to get much of my abilities back…including my mind. If I do plenty of people will hear about it!
Linda, That sounds great. I’ve officially had MS since 2000 so coming up on 13 years in May. Yes focusing on what I can do is how this site was born! Yes the heat messes with me big time.
I love your site and am so glad you responded. Are you in the RR stage of MS? I tried to send you a more detailed email of the MS Study I am in, but don’t know if you have received it. Your friend, Linda
No. I am secondary progressive. I don’t think I got an email though.
I have attempted to send an email to you through “Contact Us”. Let me know if you don’t receive it. Linda
Linda, I got it.
Glad it all went well!
I feel ya on the letting go. I have quite a few decisions to ruminate on these next few days. For now, I enjoy the quiet and have some mulled apple cider.
Glad it all went well in the end. I feel ya on the letting go. I’m still being a stubborn goat on letting go of what little I have left. Thankfully, there are a few days left in the year to figure it out.
Jenn, A few we better hurry up!
I’m glad you are finding ways to help you through those moments! Merry Christmas
Kisha, Yep. You are one of them.
Hi Nicole,
You are truly an inspiration!
Thank goodness for our husbands.
May the year 2013 be kinder and gentler for all of us.
Enjoy your new surroundings,
Liz M.
Liz, Thanks!
Letting go is so hard to do. I understand the feeling of loss.
My body is holding up well, my mind isn’t. I have a hard time getting words to come out of my mouth. My brain makes me search for words that used to come naturally. One of the hardest things, I have had to give up driving. I am isolated now.
Physical and mental challenges is what MS is all about. To accept this fact is the key to a happier life. This is a brutal disease. It robs us of ourselves. Be here now is my motto.
I so hear you about the mind. I have a real problem in a discussion trying to respond and the words just don’t come easily…if at all. I think you described it perfectly. I remember when I used to be smart and could say exactly what I wanted to say… quickly! I am happy your body isn’t there yet.
Linda, Sometimes it feels like my body isn’t that far behind!
Lisa, Man that is so true. It’s a thief.
Lisa, “It robs us of ourselves.” Well put.
Lisa, “It robs us of ourselves.” Well put.
Nicole, I understand the moving frustration from 2010 when I moved to my current house. I couldn’t pack or unpack boxes, hang up pictures, put dishes away, none of it. I could look at something, know what I wanted to do with it, but couldn’t even begin to do it..
You are not alone, and thank heaven for your husband. Merry Christmas to you. Thanks for your blog.
Roberta, Sounds like you know what I’m dealing with. Happy Holidays and thanks for reading.
Kim, Me too! Happy Holidays!
Hi Nicole, thanks for your post. I understand about feeling useless. I try to remember when my husband says ‘Let ME do that”, I should always say, “Okay, then tell me what I can do to feel useful”… It is refreshing to read what you are thinking…keep it up for all of us out in Cyberspace-ha! Happy Christmas and New Year.
Deb, That was very nice. Thank you.
Merry Christmas Nicole!
I can definitely relate to the process you are going through. I must recommend again the book You Are Not Your Illness by Linda Toble Nopf. If I could send it to you I would, as it has really helped me with some similar experiences/feelings as you are going through right now. PLEASE GET THIS BOOK!!!!!
Linda, Happy Holidays to you too. I’ll look that book up and check it out.
Merry Christmas. May you find a crew of Santa helpers to unpack and place your things.
Judy, Thanks me too! Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas.
I have to say I dread our move which I know will is coming in the next few years. Like you, I have a hard time letting go of the feeling of “I can do this” even when the feeling is a relic of a time gone by. Even with that, try to remember the move as an adventure, and yours is but one part.
Good luck & Merry Christmas once more.
well lived, Thanks for the support. Happy Holidays too.
Merry Christmas !
Dominic Happy Holidays!
Glad ur move went smooth Nicole.
Thanx for thinking of us.
Merry Christmas
Angela Merry Christmas and thanks for stopping by!