“If you worry about what might be, and wonder what might have been, you will ignore what is.” ~Unknown
I recently got the chance to meet Larry Flynt. “Who’s that?”, you may ask? Well, he is one of the world’s most well known publishers of pornography and an unlikely champion of civil liberties. He is best known for his flagship magazine, Hustler, and his life was also featured in the biographical film, “The People vs. Larry Flynt”, starring Woody Harrelson and produced by Oliver Stone. The movie highlighted how Flynt set off a firestorm, dragging into the eventual fray Jerry Falwell, an evangelical fundamentalist Southern Baptist pastor, and the Supreme Court of the United States.
In 1978, Flynt released photos in his magazine of an interracial couple. This upset a lot of people including a white supremacist who shot Flynt leaving him with a speech impediment and paralyzed from the waist down! But Flynt went on with his controversial endeavors, he actually continued with his pursuits. In fact he earned much of his money after the incident. He didn’t let it stop him, despite his disability. He kept going.
Knowing he was wheelchair bound I wanted to at least see him. So after getting clearance from a multitude of bodyguards I was able to roll up near him. He then told the two young ladies sitting by his side to move so I could sit next to him. We talked for about three minutes, which was highlighted by me asking, “How were you able to go on even though being paralyzed.” ( I figured I could be blunt. He seemed pretty liberal. ) He simply said, “I just do what I can. I don’t think about the wheelchair.” I smiled said I appreciated his time, but thought to myself, I’m sure being a multimillionaire doesn’t hurt. After all, he was sitting in a $80,0000 gold plated wheelchair!
I guess it was his choice to go on too. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just do what we can and forget the rest. I know personally I get irritated and feel defeated when I can’t accomplish things on my own, when I want, how I want. In my brief conversation with Mr. Flynt he gave me some great advice and inspiration to just do what I can.
And for that my friends I am very grateful. Sometimes you can find encouraging words from the most unlikely source.
[…] way finished, but I’m getting the idea there is something here I can learn from yet another unlikely source. T.D. […]
hello Nicole,
I just loved this article! The likelihood of such two very different people being able to sit down beside each other, total strangers and have such an intimate conversation is really awesome. You go girl! You are such a strong woman and a really strong writer. He just went for it and spoke to this bigger than life man, no matter what his beliefs or his lifestyle you just saw him as a human being who has overcome so much to make a difference in the world. I love that
You are truly inspirational and thank you so much for passing on your wonderful meeting with Larry Flynt and that awesome photo! Were you nervous at all talking to him? Because I can just picture you in your wheelchair speaking to his bodyguards and pushing your way right up to him. What a wonderful spirit you have and I always look forward to your posts.
I have had MS for 40 years and now I have written a book entitled Potty Mouth. I would love for you to read it and give me a review if you would be so kind. If you give me your address I would be happy to send you. It is in paperback and also as an e-book and is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other bookstores. I tell you this because I too, am spreading the awareness of MS and that there is optimism, courage and a sense of humor to overcome any obstacles in life.
Again, Nicole thank you for this wonderful article and for lifting my spirits once again!
Renae, I would be honored! I’ll email you my address.
Actually, my husband spoke to his security guards first! Thanks for your comments and good for you for writing a book! I look forward to reading it.
Take care.
The title of your article may arguably be the understatement of the year. However, inspiration is just that and should be savored whenever possible. That said, I probably would not have found myself at the same event Mr. Flynt might be attending. I also advocate free speech rights yet for vastly different reasons such as edification purposes rather than simple pure liberty although I could make the same argument for each. So just as the inspiring moment was personal so are the opinions about the individual and the potential excessive show of wealth. In 2001 it’s reported that Flynt’s net worth was $400 million so how excessive is the cost of the chair relative to such a staggering number? (at least staggering to this MSer) And the chair may have been a gift from somebody with even more money than Flynt.
So given that you were in Mr. Flynt’s presence and were inspired by his remarks, enjoy the blessing you received for as you know, we can use encouragement whenever possible.
Tim, Thanks for the recognition of other viewpoints!
wHILE fLINT’S GOLD PLATED wc SEEMS EXCESSIVE TO SOME OF US, its his $$, he can do what he da@@ well pleases with it. I commend him for being able to re-invent himself even if I/we do not neccesarily agree with his past or how he started out. Glad you were able to meet up with him & chat. I myself do not know much abt him other than the Hustler magazine & being shot, but if he can put a face on those with disabilities, their daily struggles & be an advocate for us, I really wouldn’t care if he had a millon dollar gold plated chair, scooter, car or whatever! Take care Nicole.
Kim, Me either. I’m not offended, For goodness sake he’s paralyzed!
The golden wheelchair seems like a statement of defiance to me, and even if it isn’t, it’s a showman’s device. I liked Elvis’ capes and Liberace’s piano.
I don’t like Elton, but that seems personal : )
Nicole, What a trip. I am glad you approached him. He is a historic person and chatting must have been interesting.
The wheelchair is excessive. He could have used that money for charity. My opinion of him has lowered having seen his wheelchair. It reeks of arrogance.
Lisa, How do you know he hasn’t given as much in charity already?
It is still an excessive show of wealth that really isn’t necessary. I feel it is over the top. If I was a wealthy person I can tell you a gold plated wheelchair wouldn’t even enter my thought realm. If I had a million I still wouldn’t buy a Hummer. It is redundant.
Lisa, I didn’t mean to offend. I truly apologize if I did. I’ve been known to be over the top, so who knows what I would do with real money!
You couldn’t offend me if you tried!
I have used.a wheelchair and canes for my Ms. If I had the money I would be a gold chair.too. I hate the original blue ugly chairs. Good for him for keeping in style!!!
Heather, I agree!
I’ve seen Larry Flynt in the 80s at 8BC, a NYC club.
He recited poetry on the stage.
Quite good both he and the poems.
Laurentiu, Thanks for commenting!
Great story! Thanks for posting it.
Courtney, No thank you for reading and commenting on it!
What an interesting post, Nicole! I was not aware of Larry Flynt’s story. To think that someone would be shot for running photos of a biracial couple is incomprehensible. His words – from a pornographer! – are definitely are inspiration from an unlikely source. Thanks so much for sharing this.
Laurie, I was as surprised as you are.
Nicely done, Nicole! <3
Terry, Thanks that means alot coming from a published author!
hi nicole, u go girl. I love the fact that you get out and still write. I love your articles, you are correct everyone has good advice. This guy is a business man, he found a way thru pornography and shocking the world with things they are secretly thinking abot but not expressing. Nicole keep up the good work.
Aleidra, I admit I do have a great support system that insist I get out! Hmmm I wonder why?
Very inspirational!!! I needed to read this today!
Shan, it’s what I can do! Although this one may have cost me some readers this time!
I agree — the $$$ makes a big difference! We, the regular guys, don’t have that luxury, so we battle daily.
Muff, Money makes a difference. I wish it didn’t but it does!
Nicole it’s good to see you don’t judge by what others have to say or what things look like. I have found that when you judge by apperance you miss the chance to know some of the most wonderfull people in the world. True beauty is not in the shell it’s in the heart. From what I can see you are a beautifull lady.
John, I think you just made the rest of my WEEK!
What are your feelings on Sharon and Jake Osborne disclosing his recent diagnosis so publicaly and on Sharon’s show “The Talk”? I would love to write him a letter to give him hope but am not sure how receptive he would be to this.
It was my 16 “anniversary” of my diagnosis yesterday and I felt very low the whole day but today I just carry on. MS is a part of my life not the totality. Thank you for your support and inspiration.
Monique, I think at least all of us MSers got a little advocacy. I hope he uses his fame to shed light on what MS is AND what it’s not.
They should of reworded the title of the people magazine instead of I’m not going to let my son die. Well thanks Sharon I guess the rest of us don’t mean anything and all. I was offended but God doesn’t want me behaving like a child LOL.
Heather, I think the magazine was to blame for that try at sensationalism!
Do you have any brain shocks like electrical thatt goes.down ur spine. I’m having a hard time explaining to my doctor. My email is hramirez5151@yahoo.com