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My New Normals

Living With Multiple Sclerosis

Montel Juice

I was actually feeling bad about not blogging this week yet. Then a fellow blogger reminded me this is a no stress gig! An avenue to communicate within the sphere! I have truly been sick since last week. I had […]

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Change Yourself

I read in the blogosphere, if you want to change the world…change yourself -Riding the tiger. Hmmm. What a way of shifting responsibility!! ******************************** Though, I’m still in mourning of the Oprah Winfrey Show ending, I want to get myself […]

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Class of 2011

I’ve been to many graduations, but my little cousin’s really struck personal chords. The entire afternoon reopened wounds I thought were completely healed, forgotten, and shoved aside. Yet again I was wrong. At this point, my high school graduation was […]

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Flaky Layers

I fell into panic mode shortly after I went to see my mental therapist. If, you remember, she mentioned my passionate quest for independence (AKA hand controls) was possibly a manifestation of denial of MS. In other words, after 11 […]

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